7 Days of Sunshine Challenge


The 7 Days of Sunshine Challenge was created in 2017 as an exercise to work on my wellbeing.



From time to time I suffer from depression, but specifically during winter I struggle with seasonal affective disorder. It has been exacerbated by my off-grid journey because in the winter with lower sunshine hours not only do I feel more lethargic and depressive, my power system doesn’t generate enough power to recharge my battery bank fully or to power appliances, lights and the water pump. This makes everyday tasks more difficult and causes me extra stress.


I asked myself, what are the signs I notice when I’m becoming depressive and what would I do to pull myself up out of dark moments?


I realised that when I get depressed, I start to let go of self-care habits because doing so fuels my spiral of negativity; I start to feel worse and have less energy and motivation so gradually everything becomes seemingly more difficult to manage.

I also stop doing things that bring me joy and make me feel good and that give me the energy I need to move forward.

Instead I start going backwards.


I basically disconnect from what lights me up, and this 7 day challenge has gentle and engaging prompts to help rediscover those things and reconnect with them in order to regain control over our actions and our wellbeing.


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I looked at various ways to help reignite myself and came up with 7 simple steps.

The reason I chose 7 is because though a week can feel like a long or a short time depending on how you are feeling, it gives the opportunity to set a foundation and start to create a new routine to help uplift you.



To facilitate the challenge I created an automated email series that gets delivered each day over 7 days with interactive elements and have found it to be a refreshing boost that I can return to whenever I need to.


I have found that my wellbeing is something I need to work on; sometimes on a daily basis. Though some days are better than others, and it really is a journey.



In 2017 I launched the first 7 Days of Sunshine Challenge and shared it with friends, family and colleagues. It was well received, and until recently had been available for anyone to sign up for.


It is, and always will be a free offer.

Unfortunately, the original challenge was lost due to a technical issue. However I have recreated the challenge and this is now the landing page for it.


It is important to note that by completing the form below:

  • You are only signed up to the 7 Day Challenge.
  • You will receive 9 emails in total: 1 welcome email, 7 with the challenge prompts, with a final follow up email after 14 days to check in.
  • You will not be moved to another mailing list or receive any further communications from me.
  • You can unsubscribe at any point during or after the challenge.
  • Copyright for the original and this new version of the 7 Days of Sunshine Challenge and the resources supplied remain with Sunshine & PowerCuts.


If you’d like more information about the challenge, you can email me, or reach out in the Sunshine & PowerCuts Discord server.


If you are keen to jump in, please complete the form below!