21 October 2017 - Patreon Bonus: Road Trip to see The Dollop live in Auckland

Stormy Point – a lookout point and the weather was perfect… looking Stormy!

Taihape – pronounced: Tie-Happy.

A small rural town in the lower North Island, famous for the Gumboot. Each year they have a Gumboot throwing competition!

The Desert Road – Central North Island, NZ

Mount Ruapehu on the left. NZ’s largest active volcano.

Ruapehu is pronounced: roo-a-pay-who (and roll the ‘r’)

Mount Ngauruhoe on the right is also an active volcano.

Ngauruhoe is pronounced: nuh roo ho-ee

Photo taken from the Desert Road.

One of the beautiful rivers passing through the Desert Road.

Lake Taupo – Central North Island

Taupo is pronounced: toe-paw

Heather by Lake Taupo
One of NZ’s many Pine Forests for logs and timber exports
Excited for the show & the Like from The Dollop of my pre-show Tweet!
Dave Anthony & his friend Gareth Reynolds – The Dollop : Live Show Sky City Theatre, Auckland 21 Oct 2017
The Dollop with NZ Guests: David Farrier (journalist / tv news & film documentary) and Guy Williams (comedian).
Signatures on Ticket of Dave & Gareth – The Dollop
NZ has picture frames like this one in different places. This one is of The Waitakere Forest near where I was staying in Auckland.

Kauri were mentioned in the Dollop Show.

It’s pronounced: ko-ree (and roll the ‘r’)

This tree is “The King of the Forest” – a famous Kauri tree in the Waitakere Forest.

They are weird looking. This one is very old. And they are at risk from “Kauri die back” like a disease in dirt that’s infecting the roots.

So you aren’t really supposed to go up to them they have boardwalks to protect the forest floor and you have to clean your shoes before entering and exiting the trails.

The girth of the tree is 9.7 meters. It’s 52.4 meters high and it’s approximately 1017 years old (+/- 200 years)

Heather & a cool tree in the Waitakere Forest.

Waitakere is pronounced: Why-tak-a-re (and roll the ‘r’)

Waitakere Forest backdrop