PowEp026 – Heat Wave, Thermodynamics, Music by Nature
In this episode we begin with a few announcements:

Sunshine & PowerCuts can now be found on GeeksRising.com
Geeks Rising is a curated podcast network which features podcasts by passionate people encouraging you to explore your passions and empowering you to become a better creator.

In association with Geeks Rising, preparation is underway for the March Sunshine Summit 2019 livestream event.
A huge thank you to the Patrons of Sunshine & PowerCuts for their support which helped secure the home for the event at sunshinesummit.live
Here you’ll find the details of the guest list and schedule, as well as links to the previous events and it is where the livestreams for 2019 will be taking place.
So head over and check it out. If you know the guest we’d love you to come and celebrate with us. If they are new to you, come and meet them and get to know them. We look forward to connecting with you in the live chat during the event.

From this episode:
We’ve had a heat wave with temperatures in excess of 33C inside my house, even with all the doors and windows open hoping to catch a breeze.

The spa pool has been in use to cool down, and I briefly mention the different ways we’ve tried to heat the water up to take the chill off – because with the air temperature being so hot and no heating element for the pool, it makes it easier to get in when the difference is not so vast.

At the January Wellington Podcast Brunch Club meetup, one of the members asked me about Stirling Engines.
There’s a lot to know about Stirling Engines so I encourage you to look into it, if you aren’t already familiar.

Correction: in the episode I say that there is “fluid of gas” – what I mean is that there is fluidity or movement of the gas between a hot region and cold region. Also the heat and cold are applied externally to the closed system.

Then I share an article I came across which I found really interesting, about a NZ scientist who took weather data and assigned musical instruments in software to represent the data points and the result was nature’s own symphony.

Links from this Episode:

I’d love to hear from you:
Let me know if you have experience with Stirling Engines, if you’re in a heatwave, how you’ve been keeping cool (or how you’ve been keeping warm if it’s cold where you are), when you’ve noticed the music of nature from example I was woken by the rain at 2:30am and I enjoyed listening to the waves of rain influenced by the wind. And finally, if you know of any instances where information has been shared in a creative way like in the article about the Scientist converting weather patterns into music.


The Sunshine & PowerCuts podcast:
Hosted by Heather Welch

This podcast features two types of episodes which alternate.

Sunshine ones offer inspiration drawn from nature,

In PowerCut episodes like this one I share insights into my life living off the power grid.

Embark on a journey empowered by nature, then continue the conversation as part of the Sunshine & PowerCuts Community


Important Links:
Website: www.sunshineandpowercuts.com
Geeks Rising: www.geeksrising.com
Patreon: www.patreon.com/SunshineAndPowerCuts
TeeSpring: https://teespring.com/stores/sunshine-powercuts
YouTube: youtube.com/HeatherWelch_life-is-beautiful
Twitch: twitch.tv/sunpowerpod

Ways you can connect with me:
Tweet me on Twitter @SunPowerPod
Follow me on Instagram @SunPowerPod
Email me at hello@sunshineandpowercuts.com
Leave me a comment on Facebook @SunshineAndPowerCuts

Support the Show:
To gain access to the community, extra resources and bonus episodes or to just simply support the show you can do so on Patreon.com/SunshineAndPowerCuts.
Keep cool in a Sunshine & PowerCuts t-shirt, warm up with a hoodie, take a tote bag or savour the moment with a mug from the TeeSpring Store: https://teespring.com/stores/sunshine-powercuts

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