SunEp013 – Connections – Jilanne Holder

Hello and welcome to the Sunshine & PowerCuts podcast.

My name is Heather and I am your host on this journey of empowerment.

This podcast features two types of episodes which alternate each week.

Sunshine ones like this one offer inspiration drawn from nature, and the PowerCut episodes are where I share honest insights into my life living off the power grid.

Embark on a journey empowered by nature.

Then continue the conversation over on the Sunshine & PowerCuts server on Discord.

7 Days of Sunshine Challenge

Want to check in with yourself and let more light in?

Check out the 7 Days of Sunshine Challenge at

February Friends Promo – Invitation to join the Female Entrepreneur Association Members Club

Find out more and join the FEA MC here.

Remember you can use promo code FRIENDS2018 to receive $10 off the monthly membership.

Sunshine Summit 2018

In March I am hosting the first Sunshine Summit which is a week of live streams celebrating connections with some of the incredible people I have had the privilege of getting to know over the past year.

I would love for you to join us from From friday 9th to Friday 16th March EDT US time zones. Or Sat 10th to Sat 17th NZ time zones

You can find the confirmed Guest List with dates and times for their Live Streams and links to their websites at:

If you don’t know my guests I would love for you to meet them and interact in the live chat on YouTube.

And if you are already a fan of theirs I would love for you to come and celebrate with us.

Shout Outs:
Adam Higgins – Recommended Listening Feature on Odd Dad Out Episode 093
Odd Dad Out on Facebook
And on Twitter
Odd Dad Out Podcast

Guest on this episode:
Jilanne Holder
Business Mum Community Facebook Group
Facebook Page

Keep an ear out for my next guest in Sunshine Episode 14!

Support Sunshine & PowerCuts by becoming a Patron and joining the Sunshine & PowerCuts community

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Music – Porches & Universes : Puddles of Infinity