Intro 000 – Episode

Welcome to the very first episode of the Sunshine & PowerCuts podcast. I am Heather, your host for this weekly journey of wellbeing empowered by nature

In this preliminary episode I introduce myself and Sunshine & PowerCuts: How it came to be and what it hopes to achieve.

As the show name suggests, the podcast will feature two types of episodes:

  1. Sunshine Episodes which draw on Nature to [em]Power you and your well-being
  2. PowerCut Episodes which offer honest insights into what it’s like to live Off Grid

I hope that you find value in the Sunshine episodes. Some inspiration you can use in your own life to let the light in so that you can shine bright.

I define well-being and power, emphasize the life-long commitment we have to our health and wellness.

I need to let you know the tone of some of the PowerCut episodes will be darker (albeit still Clean – with no explicit language used).

Please feel free to go ahead and skip them if you would prefer to keep things light, bright and motivational.

If you are interested in what Off Grid Life has been like for me, go ahead and tune into the PowerCut episodes. They make light of the issues relying on sunshine for power, and the adventures we have had along the way.

So if you are ready, let’s embark on this journey of well-being empowered by a re-connection with nature together.

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Music – Porches & Universes : Puddles of Infinity